Choose: (Internet connection needed)

Description: This file is gonna need internet connection to connect to various fun websites! These are my top picks for from boredom to no boredom! :D

Desc: Fun little website with classic, and fun games you can play!

Desc: Fun little operating system you can play around! It has got some apps, viruses and even games!

Desc: Same as "Windows 93" but more advanced! More alike an operating system

You heard it right, you can play minecraft in a webbrowser! You can change skins, theres servers, and you can download a .htm file to play it offline! The site and the game get progressively better, and in Eaglercraft theres even some mini mods like sitting on slabs/stairs, zoom, etc

Desc: Same as Eaglercraft but for nerds

Desc: Poki is a fun site with lots of fun games!

Desc: Free casino games! Good to get boredom away.

Desc: VMs right in your browser! This is better than VMware or Virtualbox and theres no need to download!